Constitution Day (Samvidhan Divas) is celebrated all over India on 26 November every year to commemorate the adoption of the Constitution of India. To acknowledge the contribution of the framers of the Constitution and to aggravate the people regarding the prominent values, 26 November is celebrated as the ‘Constitution Day’. Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Educational and Research Institute, Faculty of Disability Management and Special Education (FDMSE), Coimbatore Campus observed the Constitution Day on 27th November 2023. The preamble to the Constitution was read out on the occasion. Mr. Joseph P.C. I year student of B.Ed. Special Education (H.I) read the preamble and the pledge was taken by all participants. In total 93 (12 – teaching staff, 13 – non teaching staff and 68 – teacher trainees) participated in the event.