Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Educational and Research Institute (RKMVERI) is a not-for-profit educational institution that relies on financial support from government bodies and individual donors.
In keeping with the RKMVERI’s thrust areas (which are chosen with some social-cause in end) many of its programmes/courses are designed to address the needs of the marginalized, under-served and underprivileged sections of the society, and the rural masses of India. The Department of Disability Management and Special Education (FDMSE), and many programmes under other departments are run purely for social benefit. And with such end in view RKMVERI doesn’t and can’t rely solely on fees-collections for meeting the operational expenses and so it requires financial support from government and the generous support of large-hearted donors (individual and organizations).
RKMVERI earnestly appeals to well-wishers, admirers of Ramakrishna – Vivekananda Ideology and generous public for financial and other forms of support. We gratefully accept donations from anyone who wishes to contribute to RKMVERI’s mission of spreading education and serving the society in the light of Swami Vivekananda’s ideals and teachings.
The Government of India has granted 100% income tax exemption to the university under section 80G, subsection 2(a) (iii f) of the income tax act, 1961, by an order issued by the department of revenue, ministry of finance. This is a provision applicable to universities and academic institutions of national eminence. All the donations to RKMVERI will therefore be eligible for 100% exemption from income tax (in India).
Click here to read Tax-Exemption Order.
Click here for the detailed procedure for claiming tax exemptions for donations.
RKMVERI seeks donations for the following causes (categories)
- General fund (General donations)
- Student scholarships
- Equipment
- Extension activities
- Honorary monastic members’ expenses
- Faculty Sponsorship
Monetary Donations (Cash / Cheque / Demand Draft )
Donations can be made either in cash or cheque or online payment. Cash donations are accepted at the Campus office or the Central office of Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya.
Cheques and Demand drafts may be drawn in favour of ‘Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University, Coimbatore Campus‘ and sent by post to the following address.
RKMVERI, Coimbatore Campus
SRKV Post, Periyanaickenpalayam, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu – 641020, India
Phone: 7502732223
Either along with the DD/Cheque being sent to us by Post/Courier, or through an email () please give the following details of your donation:
- DD / Cheque details : Bank’s name, Bank branch identification like location, code, etc., DD/Cheque Number, Amount,
- Donor’s details: name, postal address, email-id and phone number,
- Category of donation or cause (see above).
- For Indian donations : for donations exceeding Rs. 10,000 please provide donor’s PAN Number.
As per govt. rules donors giving donations more than Rs.10000 (ten thousand) must provide their PAN card number.
Online Donations
Link for online donation: Click here to donate online
After the online donation please inform us through email () by giving the following details of donation:
- Bank details : Bank’s name, Bank branch identification like location, code, etc.,
- Transaction reference number, Transaction date & time, Amount transferred and currency,
- (if not yet sent) Donor’s information: name, postal address, email-id and phone number,
- Category of donation or cause (see above).
Other ways to contribute
1. Sponsoring Student Scholarships, Faculty Position or University Activities
Donors can sponsor students, or a faculty position, either partially or fully. They can also sponsor any particular university programme, including extension activities like community and service activities.
2. Donations of equipment and services
The university accepts donations of equipment for the educational as well as administrative purpose with gratitude. However, we prefer to have only new equipment with usual warranties. The equipment may include computers, printers, laptops, photocopiers, furniture, etc. If any person is in position to render any valuable service to the university either as an honorary work position or as a liason to the various governmental departments, he/she is welcome to do so.
3. Assisting us
The university gladly welcomes assistance from organizations, associations and societies as well as from individuals. These can help us organize seminars, workshops, symposiums, lectures and conferences.
Please contact our Campus office or departmental offices to contribute or for any information. Contact us page has the contact details.