5 Year Integrated MSc in “Integrated Rural and Tribal Development”
About the programme:
The programme is offered for a period of five years in an integrated mode for students. The programme is spread over ten semesters comprising of courses in rural development, tribal development, agriculture and allied sectors and their management along with communication and personality development courses. The syllabus has been designed by adopting CBCS pattern (choice based credit system) of UGC, and experts from various disciplines were involved in crafting the curriculum to the current societal needs.
The programme provides a rigorous, interdisciplinary, practical-oriented course with syllabi and curricula designed to prepare a group of youth with in-depth knowledge of all aspects of rural life, issues, and potential remedies. Their extensive knowledge and expertise thus gained in all major areas of rural development and agricultural technologies will provide them with a holistic view of ‘Integrated Rural & Tribal Development,’ allowing them to act as single-window service providers for the country’s rural and tribal populations.
The programme aims to improve the living standards of rural people by utilizing the easily available natural and human resources by adopting various approaches like sectoral approach, area development approach, integrated development approach, growth centre approach and community-driven development, etc. The programme includes agricultural growth and bringing proper economic and social infrastructure, village planning, public health, education and literacy, communication etc. The programme enables the students to get familiarized and conversant with various facets of rural and tribal development and its related specializations by making use of well-equipped laboratories and real field environment as well.
At the end of the third year of the five-year integrated M.Sc. programme, there will be an option for lateral exit. Students who wish to leave at the end of the third year will be awarded a B.Sc. degree in ARTD.
- Ample job opportunities in the Central and State Government Projects/Schemes like NRLM, MGNREGS etc.
- NGOs, CBOs, private sector implementing projects under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and other such stakeholders in the tribal development programmes.
- Qualified trainers for training the tribals in scientific collection, post-harvest management and marketing of Non-Timber Forest Produce (NTFPs).
- Scope for employment as community coordinators / community organizers / social mobilizers / research assistants.
- Authorized professionals for consultancy services in rural and tribal development.
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2 Year MA/MSc in Rural Development and Management
About the programme:
The two-year, four-semester M.A. / M.Sc. in ‘Rural Development and Management (RDM)’ includes courses covering the concepts of integrated rural development, rural society, rural demography, rural economy, research methodology and ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) and development communication, etc., as well as their management aspects. Students can choose their choice of course as per the new CBCS system (choice based credit system), making it a student-centred education system. The programme aims to bring out professionals in the field of rural development to cater to the needs of the rural community.
- Ample job opportunities in Government Institutions, Welfare Ministry, NIRD, NABARD, CSWB, SIRD, etc.
- Programme Associate/Assistant or Research Associate for projects initiated by NGO’s.
- Project Assistant/Executive in the Industry, like BHEL, SAIL, GAIL, ONGC, Coal India, Indian Oil Corporation.
- Project Head/Trainee, Development officer in Corporate Bodies.
- Technical Specialist/ Consultant in International Organizations like UNICEF, UNDP, UNESCO, World Bank, CARE, CRY, USID, Oxfam, WHO, SEEDS, UNIFEM, Water Aid, Action Aid, etc.
Click here for Academic Syllabus
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B.Sc. (Hons) Agriculture
The faculty offers ‘B.Sc. (Hons) Agriculture’ with duration of FOUR years spread over to EIGHT semesters.
The mentioned ‘B.Sc. (Hons) Agriculture’ programme lays more focus on the state-of-art knowledge in wider disciplines of Agriculture, Horticulture, Agricultural Engineering, and Animal Husbandry. Extension activities also form a part of the regular curriculum that play a crucial role in promoting agricultural productivity, enhancing food security, improving rural livelihoods and promoting agriculture.
The faculty transacts curriculum as promulgated by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi and Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (SAU), Tamil Nadu.
Programme Outcome
- To impart firsthand knowledge on agriculture and allied sciences
- To impart in-depth practical knowledge in agriculture and allied sciences
- To provide extensive knowledge on agri-allied sectors like livestock, Poultry
- To disseminate different technologies through various extension activities
- To identify and overcome the problems encountered in day-to-day agriculture
- To provide knowledge on commercial agricultural production practices
- To make students competitive in pursuing higher studies
Programme Specific Outcome
- To provide knowledge from ancient to modern agricultural practices
- To impart in-depth practical knowledge in crop cultivation practices
- To give detailed knowledge about agri-allied sectors
- To provide knowledge on working of different farm implements
- To serve the rural agricultural population
- To disseminate recent agricultural technologies through extension.
- Detailed knowledge on various agri-business activities
- Detailed knowledge on horticulture and sericulture practices
Syllabus: Click here
Program Features & Facilities of ARTD
- The department applies practical teaching methods to adopt to real-world situations, that includes interactive sessions, field visits, and case studies, to provide a comprehensive learning experience in the area of specialisation.
- The curriculum is prepared aiming at imparting knowledge among students about the rural sector of the society along with value added, ability and skill enhancing courses for their personal development.
- The department is well-equipped with smart classroom, library, seminar hall, playground, auditorium, and hostel facilities
- Employment opportunities available in government agencies, NGOs, international organizations, and the private sectors (CSR). Also, students can become eligible to appear for all the competitive exams conducted by Government such as Public Services exams, Banking exams, etc., with their graduate degree.