FDMSE Research Projects

Ongoing Research Projects:

Name of the Faculty Title of the project Funding Agency Duration Amount
Dr. S. Parween Effectiveness of Adapted Physical Activities on the Executive Functioning of Students with Visual Impairment Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi 2023-2025 Rs. 10,00,000/-


Completed Research Projects:

Name of the Faculty Title of the project Funding Agency Duration Amount
Dr. K. Dhanalakshmi Effect of Heritage Games on the Academic and Social Skill Development of Students with Visual Impairment at Primary Level INDIAN KNOWLEDGE SYSTEMS DIVISION Ministry of Education Govt. of India
BGSamvahan Karyakram -3
6 Months
Rs. 1.50
Dr. J.B. Dheesha Development of Adapted Science Experiments for Improving Skills in Learning Science of Students with Visual Impairment at Secondary Level. Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (MSJE)

Central Sector Scheme “Research on Disability related Technology, Products and Issues”

2017-2019 Rs. 6.85 lakhs
Dr. Sudha.A Problem Based Learning Method to Teach Science Concepts among Tribal Children Division of Educational Research (DER), National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT), New Delhi 2020-2022 Rs. 7.35 lakhs
Dr. K. Dhanalakshmi Effect of using Computer with Screen Reader on Creative Writing Skills among Students with Visual Impairment at Primary Level Indian Council of Social Science Research Southern Regional Centre (Ministry of Human Resource Development) Osmania University, Hyderabad-500007 2020-2021 Rs. 90,000/-


Updated on: 01.08.2023