Centre of Computing
Work Integrated Learning Program, M.Sc (Computer Science Applications)
A progressing Industry based society demands that its employees must constantly be acquainted with newer skills, recent trends and cutting edge technologies throughout their tenure. To meet such demands students must constantly be updating their academics and be engaged in self-development activities. Therefore, keeping in view the industry’s needs, an Integrated M.Sc. programme has been designed wherein the Diploma students of Computer Engineering, working in top class software companies in different places can pursue the course while still at work (now as trainees not as employees). Theory classes are given by our teachers at Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Educational and Research Institute, Coimbatore Campus during weekends and holidays strictly adhering to UGC norms regarding the credit requirements. Upon completion of the course, the students are re-absorbed into the company as employees. This system ensures 100% employability of the trainees; bridges the gap between academics & industrial needs and qualifies the students to express their invaluable opinions regarding different contents of the course. This would further improve the students’ quality and increase the intake. The following picture (Figure 1) details the concept that we have explained.
The proposed course is an innovative one in the following respects:
- It addresses the needs of the industry by framing the industry-appropriate courses.
- It provides hands-on experience to trainees in the industry even while the student is pursuing the course, solving the problem of post-completion placement effectively.
- It helps the student draw a stipend from industry while undergoing the course, making it affordable to economically backward students.
- It exposes the students to the real time problem of the industry right from day one turning them as future-assets to the industry.
This system is being followed successfully in some of the Universities in our country and ours is an updated and improvised version suited to the modern needs of the industry. Hence the course named ‘5-year Integrated M.Sc. in Computer Science and Applications with multiple entries and multiple exits (Figure 2)’, is introduced at the Coimbatore Campus under the umbrella of Vivekananda University.
Depending on the entry qualification of the candidate and depending on the course (B.Sc/M.Sc) he wishes to pursue the duration of the course and Eligibility criteria varies as follows
S.No |
Qualification |
Entry |
Exit |
Degree awarded |
Duration |
1 |
Candidates with (10+2) (Physics and Mathematics) |
1st yr |
5th yr |
M.Sc (CSA) |
5yrs |
2 |
Candidates with (10+3) Diploma in
2nd yr |
5th yr |
M.Sc (CSA) |
4yrs |