List of candidates selected for admission to 5yr Integrated MSc in ‘Integrated Rural and Tribal Development’ – 2023-24

Date 01 August 2023

Based on the performance in the counselling held on 01.08.2023, the following applicants have been provisionally selected for admission in 5-year Integrated MSc in ‘Integrated Rural and Tribal Development’ for the session 2023-24.

The selected candidates may get admitted online ( with effect from 03 rd August by paying the requisite fees of Rs. 25300/- (First semester fee: Rs.20000/- + one-time charges
including admission fees: Rs.3000/-, caution deposit: Rs.2000/-, identity card: Rs.100/-, Registration fee: Rs. 200/-) by using net banking, debit card, credit card, UPI etc. Hostel facilities are available and fees can be paid at the hostel office at the time of admission.

The selected students have to report at the institution on or before the notified date of admission. The University welcomes the newly admitted students and wishes them all the best in their study with the prayer that they may use the knowledge and wisdom acquired for the all-round welfare of the society, particularly their rural and the underprivileged brethren.

List of selected applicants for admission (based on merit- Integrated M.Sc. in IRTD)

Sl. No. Application No. Applicant Name Category
1 117238 Soundhar Rajaram MBC
2 117229 Sabari S MBC
3 117218 Arav Arya OBC
4 117217 Vikash Kumar OBC
5 117215 Pokeshsaran G OBC
6 114854 Yokeshsornam BC

NOTE: This admission should be treated as provisional confirmation and is subject to submission of attested/original copies of all the relevant documents, failing which will lead to cancellation of admission.

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