Department of Intellectual Disability, Faculty of Disability Management and Special Education, RKMVERI (Deemed University), Coimbatore Campus observed World Down Syndrome Day on 21 March 2023.
Every year, March 21 is observed as World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) with the theme ‘With Us Not For US’. The day is celebrated to raise awareness about Down Syndrome and to advocate for the rights, inclusion and well-being of individuals with Down Syndrome.
In this connection a speech about Down syndrome was delivered by Ms. Shariga, Teacher Trainee, B.Ed.-ID second year and an art, drawing and painting competition was conducted for children with intellectual disabilities in the Special Education Unit, FDMSE, RKMVERI (Deemed University), Coimbatore Campus. Fifty-seven children participated in the event. Revered Swami Nirmaleshananda Maharaj, Assistant Administrative Head and Dr. N. Muthaiah, Dean, School of Rehabilitation and Sports Science, RKMVERI, Coimbatore Campus presented participation prizes to all children. Resource Teachers, Faculty members and teacher trainees attended the event.
Below are some of the photos