A 3-Day Activity-based Training Program on ‘Life Skills Development for Students with Intellectual Disability’ was organized by Department of Intellectual Disability from 23rd to 25th February 2023. Revered Swami Nirmaleshananda Maharaj, Assistant Admin. Head and Dr. N. Muthaiah, Dean, RKMVERI-FDMSE graced the inaugural function. Mrs. V. Indirani welcomed the gathering and presented a brief orientation to the program. In his special address Dr. N. Muthaiah precisely explained the theories of cognitive and psychosocial development by Jean Piaget, Jerome Bruner and Erik Erickson in a crisp and explicable manner. He emphasized acceptance of children with special needs and also teach them based on the amount of support required by them. Swami Nirmaleshananda Maharaj explained the six step strategy to be followed for teaching Life Skills to Persons with Disability. Vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. S. Logeshkumar.
The entire program consisted of 12 sessions ranging from Understanding Life Skills for Persons with Intellectual Disability to Enhancing Physical and Mental Wellness with the help of those skills. Sessions were handled by external and internal resource persons as well. Mrs. Vijayashree Ramesh (Vidya Sagar, formerly known as the Spastic Society of Tamil Nadu) Chennai presented an interactive detail on ‘Etiquettes & Communication Skills’. Dr. A. Ramachandran (ARVI Trust, Dindigul) handled the session on ‘Let the stress go off! Be with Nature!’. Dr. Prabha Hariharan (Independent Educational Researcher, Coimbatore) presented an activity based session on ‘Relaxation through Music & Dance as Leisure & Recreation Activity’, Mrs. M. Senthamil (Director, Sri Vamana Center for Special Needs, Coimbatore) explained a model of workshop on ‘Decision Making & Problem Solving’. Mrs. Mrudhula Balakrishnan from Kraft Kesari Foundation Coimbatore created a simulation for ‘Time Management’. Internal resource persons included Dr. R. Giritharan (Associate Professor and Head, RKMVERI-GAPEY), Dr. Sudha A. and Ph.D. Scholars Mrs. S. Roopavathy, Mrs. N. Uma Maheswari and Ms. K. Kiruthiga.
The valedictory function was held on 25th February. Mr. N. Karthigaiselvam (Special Educator –Vocational Production Centre) welcomed the gathering and presented the report of the training program. In his valedictory address Revered Swami Nirmaleshananda Maharaj suggested creating a parents group through WhatsApp so as to facilitate communication in the parents community, experiences and learning to serve at the larger level. Three participants and one special educator shared their feedback and showed their willingness to attend such programs again in the future to learn in detail and execute those skills with their children. Dr. S. Sukumari proposed a vote of thanks. The program concluded with certificate distribution to the participants. In total 150 participants attended the program that includes 110 parents and Children with Intellectual Disability. Out of 110, forty participants represented various schools from Coimbatore and Madurai.
Below are some of the photos.