International Day of Persons with Disabilities was observed on 08 December 2018 at GKD Auditorium, SRK Vidyalaya, Coimbatore. Dr. Sudha A., Asst. Prof., FDMSE, welcomed the gathering, Swami Bakthivrathananda, SRK Vidyalaya gave the benedictory address, Swami Divyaprajnananda Maharaj, Asst. Admin. Head, graced the occasion, Mr. V.G. Jagadeesh, Web Developer & Graphic Designer, Coimbatore, presented chief guest address. Cultural and oratorical programmes were performed by children with special needs. Medals were distributed to children with disabilities who won first prize in various sports events. Persons with disabilities who are studying and working in Vidyalaya institutions were honored. Teachers working for persons with disabilities were also honored. Mr. S. Parthasarathy, Asst. Prof., FDMSE, proposed vote of thanks. Earlier in connection to this RKMVERI-FDMSE, organized various sports events for persons with disabilities on 4 December 2018, for various categories viz. Intellectual Disability, Loco motor Disability, Hearing impairment and visual impairment. In total 132 persons with disabilities were participated in the event.