FDMSE: Physiotherapy Unit
Physiotherapy is a mode of treatment provided with the use of purposeful activity for individuals who are disabled due to physical injuries or psychological and neurological deficits.
FDMSE: Speech Therapy Unit
The speech therapy unit of FDMSE is well equipped for the habilitation and rehabilitation of individuals with speech, language, communication disorders.
FDMSE: Sign Language Unit
The Indian Sign Language Dictionary documenting over 2500 signs from 42 cities in 12 States to provide a common sign language code all over India.
GAPEY: Unified Play Day
As its name indicates Unified Play Day (UPD), is an annual play festival with equal participation of Children with Disabilities and Normal children.
GAPEY: Leadership Training Camp
Leadership camp is organized at Vellingiri Andavar Temple, Poondi, a beautiful foot-hill station 30 Km away from Coimbatore.